Welcome to FFD Survival…

A branch of Family First Defense


The “Survival Series”

consist of four classes that can be taken individually and in any order.
Attending all will give the student the best overall experience and training.

Emergency Medical Response and “Stop the Bleed”: Sat – June 1st, 2024


This one-day class covers emergency medical responses to situations commonly found in our area. This involves classroom instruction and hands-on experience in the proper application of bandages, wound preparation, and the use of various tourniquets. The student will be certified by the Department of Defense’s “Stop the Bleed” program and the “Stop the Bleed” Coalition. This training is extremely important for everyday life-threatening situations. All materials are included. Class starts at 9am and ends between 3 and 4pm depending on class size. Cost is $125 and there is a limited class size. Members of Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm discounted cost is $100.


Preparedness Planning: July 7th

One day class approximately 5/6 hours long depending on discussion time. Cost is $25 and includes a pizza lunch or bring your own lunch. MUST register to attend.
Starts promptly at 9am.

It’s not just about food and water. There is so much more to cover…

This class establishes the emergency planning process. From basic to extreme conditions, we will discuss the levels of preparedness required for a variety of situations. There are numerous planning categories, each of which is further divided according to real-world requirements. This is an interactive class that discusses various situations requiring pre-planning and everyday lifestyle changes to stay prepared for any emergency. This class is essential for anyone who wants to be prepared for almost any emergency, whether it’s a major or minor situation. Be prepared to discuss your concerns and be ready to take plenty of notes. Attending this class will significantly improve your level of preparedness.

Includes a Cyber-Security Session for those staying beyond the Prep Class and included in the above cost. The discussion on Cyber-Security begins at 3pm and ends about 5pm.

Urban/Wilderness Survival: TBA

Two-day class with optional overnight camping. Cost is $225

This is a hands-on class designed for individuals dedicated to survival. It is designed for individuals who are interested in learning techniques for sustaining life in emergency situations. This course is not overly challenging, but it does focus on learning how to survive in urban and wilderness environments. The course covers a wide range of essential survival skills. The course discusses, demonstrates, and applies these skills to ensure that each student understands the various challenges associated with urban and wilderness environments.

Overnight camping is available for those who wish to participate. While not required, it is highly recommended. You will need to bring your own camping equipment, such as a tent and sleeping bag. Fresh water will be provided, and we will also discuss water sourcing and purification techniques. Students must bring their own food. Campers will participate in a campfire meal on the first evening.

Students will complete this class with a significantly changed perspective on what survival truly involves and the numerous challenges it presents.

Much more information will be provided to those planning to take this class including a list of suggested items to bring.

Land Navigation: Don’t Ever Get Lost: TBA

One day class from 9am to 5pm. Cost is $125

There are many different types of maps. Confusing as they might be, we explain the uses and remove the unknown. Map reading is essential and knowing where you are and where you are going is a must skill.
While electronic devices are covered (GPS, etc), this class concentrates on the more primitive use of directional skills, and especially compass skills. Classroom time is essential to provide instructive techniques, and the added practical exercises will back up your class training.
Field exercises will be challenging and provide the confidence needed to NOT GET LOST and/or FIND YOUR WAY BACK.
All equipment will be provided but students are encouraged to bring any navigational device to the class.